Oh, my aching back!!!

How many times have you said this? I am sure most of us have been there done that. We simply bent over to tie our shoes or sneeze the wrong way and bam!! our back feels like an elephant just stepped on it. From a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) point of view there can be lots of causes for this, but mainly it is due to an imbalance in the body. Simple, yes, and definitely treatable and fairly quickly. It could be a combination a sudden event, but because you had been run down, stressed or tired, the body is … Read more "Oh, my aching back!!!"

Acupuncture for Allergies

Well, it is almost that time of year. For some, it may have already started. The increase amount of rain and the warmer temperatures this year will allow for a lot more pollen. While it should be a spectacular spring, with the wide variety of flowers, it will be a higher pollen season for sure. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), including a combination of acupuncture and Chinese Herbs, is a safe and natural option for treating allergies. Our goal is to promote a healthy flow of Qi that travels through the body. TCM interprets the cause of allergic rhinitis (allergies) as … Read more "Acupuncture for Allergies"