Gan Mao Ling


60 Tablets

Chinese Medical Actions
Clears heat, dispels wind-heat, resolves toxin, soothes throat to stop cough, opens nasal passages.

Common cold
Ear infection
Eyes, red
Headache Influenza
Lymph nodes, enlarged
Measles, early stage
Neck and shoulders, stiff from acute wind invasion
Sinus congestion or discharge
Sinus infection
Throat sore

Contraindications: Do not use in cases where patient is experiencing strong chills.

Note: Take every 2-3 hours as needed at the onset of symptoms of wind invasion.


Ilicis Pubescentis Radix (Pubescent Holly Root, Ilex / Mao Dong Qing) 25%|Isatidis seu Baphicacanthis Radix (Isatis Root / Ban Lan Gen) 20%|Evodiae Radix (Evodia Root / San Ya Ku) 20%|Chrysanthemi Flos (Chrysanthemum / Ju Hua) 13%|Viticis Fructus (Chaste Tree Fruit, Vitex Fruit / Man Jing Zi) 12%|Lonicerae Flos (Japanese Honeysuckle Flower / Jin Yin Hua) 10%